When you join the Historic Huntsville Foundation, you help us preserve the unique material culture of Huntsville-Madison County, develop programs and publications that increase our understanding of Huntsville-Madison County history and its historic resources, offer family-friendly events that bring people to our historic spaces, and promote investment in historic neighborhoods and downtowns.
Individual/Family – $60
- Two “Invitation to History” Tours
- Invitation to Historic Huntsville Museum exhibition receptions
- Invitation to artist receptions in Harrison Brothers Gallery
- Recognition in HHF newsletter
- 10% discount at Harrison Brothers Hardware, excluding sale and consignment
Patron – $150
- All of the above plus:
- An art-inspired gift by Huntsville artist Sonya Clemons
- Recognition as Patron in HHF Newsletter
Benefactor – $250
- All of the above plus:
- Recognition on HHF’s Community Sponsors & Donor Board in Harrison Brothers
Community Partner – $500
- All of the above plus:
- A tour of Huntsville’s new United States Federal Courthouse at the corner of Lowe Avenue and Gallatin Street led by resident District Judges Liles Burke and Lynwood Smith. The focal point of the new courthouse is a restored mural by artist Xavier Gonzales, “Tennessee Valley Authority.” The mural was commissioned for the c. 1936 courthouse on Holmes Avenue and painstakingly restored and relocated to its new home. The Historic Huntsville Foundation is grateful to Judges Burke and Smith for their preservation of this important artwork.
Preservation Partner – $1000
- All of the above plus:
- Sponsorship signage at all HHF Members Only “Invitation to History” tours
Program Sponsor – $2500
- All of the about plus:
- Recognition as a Program Sponsor for Exhibitions in the Historic Huntsville Museum
Historic Huntsville Museum Sponsor – $5000
- All of the about plus:
- Recognition as a Museum Sponsor in the Historic Huntsville Museum
We are deeply thankful to our partners and members for their support of our community-based preservation mission.
Learn about the Invitation to History member-only events.
A revised downloadable and printable PDF membership form is coming soon.
Become a member now! Use our online form to join or renew your membership and pay for your membership via PayPal’s secure site.